XCMG 「For Real ETH」WhiteList Slot

With collected tickets A, B from the (XCMG「For Real」Tickets), you can burn them to redeem for the rare ETH whitelist slots.

Requirement: Burn with 3 Ticket A + 2 Ticket B

Total Slots: 219

If the number of whitelist slots is less than the total slots (219), then all holders will receive one「For Real ETH」 NFT WhiteList. If the number of whitelist slots exceeds the total, we will randomly draw lucky tokenIds based on the total slots, and addresses associated with tokenIds can get one「For Real ETH」 NFT WhiteList.

Note: On April 30th 2023, 11:00 (UTC+8), we will take an on-chain snapshot of all WhiteList Slot holders. — This means users who acquire the slot after this time will not be eligible to receive「For Real ETH」 NFT whitelist.

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