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Task Verification - Bridge
Task Verification - Swap
Welcome to the Call of Taiko, a road to mainnet. Taiko is a based ZK-Rollup. Its mission is to grow Ethereum with innovative scaling solutions. It builds with the support of the community and has been fully open source since Day 1. It is relying on you, the community, to bring Taiko to the world.
To answer the call and join the Taiko Factions, you must take part in the pre-mainnet campaign by completing simple tasks. When you complete all tasks, this prepares you to claim your exclusive faction badge, but also lets you be part of something bigger.
The tasks will focus on hands-on starter exploration. This includes bridging from the Ethereum Holesky testnet to Taiko Hekla testnet, and using the bridged funds to perform a swap. The objective is to simulate and prepare you for the experience on the road to mainnet. Your activity on the network will help shape a healthy and vibrant community.
Answer the call and join us to experience the rich potential of Taiko!
The Galxe campaign will run from May 21 to May 26 at 11:59 pm EST.