The Social Call
Welcome to the Social Call, which will introduce you to a few social tasks to create awareness about the #CallofTaiko.
Taiko is a based ZK-Rollup. Its mission is to grow Ethereum with innovative scaling solutions. Taiko scales Ethereum without compromises and is open-source, permissionless, and decentralized from day one.
Getting Started:
- Follow @taikoxyz on Twitter to stay updated and connected.
- Boost the Timeless #CallofTaiko by liking and reposting the campaign tweets.
- Join our Discord Server and become a part of our thriving community where all the magic happens.
- To join the Taiko Factions, visit the Trailblazer: Call of Taiko website and “pinkify” the profile. By completing the tasks herein, you will be able to claim your place and gain access to Taiko Factions.
