Somnia Network
Somnia Points Dream Hunt - Content S2

🚀 Introducing the Metaverse Browser - Content! The best way to secure one of the elusive OG Roles 🔐

First, read this ➡️ BLOG POST

Competition Details


  • 111 OG Somniac Roles + BONUS prizes for the best submissions

Number of Winners

  • Up to 111 depending on the quality of submissions


  • Until Devnet (Q3 2024); rewards are given at the end of each month to the best submissions.

Types of Content

  • Tutorials (Longform Video)
  • Somnia General
  • Metaverse Browser Guide

Threads - must use #SomniaDreamHunt and #Somnia

  • Create threads and inspire the community (examples and resources in the blog post)


  • Translate the Somnia Essentia blog posts for your local community. Do a great job and we might even add your translations to the main blog!

YouTube Shorts/Reels/Short Videos

  • Create and share a short video (30-60 seconds) showcasing your favourite feature of the Metaverse Browser on social media with #MetaverseBrowser #Somnia #SomniaDreamHunt.


  • No plagiarism is allowed, any Content copied will result in a ban from all Somnia community channels
  • Content should be compelling and make the reader want to join the Somnia community
  • Threads should have at least 5 parts and no more than 20
  • Threads must use #SomniaDreamHunt and #Somnia


  • Discord OG Somniac Roles (unlocking Metaverse Browser BOOSTS 🤔)

About Somnia:
Somnia is creating a virtual society with an L1 blockchain and a set of omnichain protocols designed to bring millions of users into an open and unified metaverse, allowing users to move seamlessly across experiences. Somnia opens up endless possibilities for builders to create content that is portable and remixable content by upgrading existing NFTs. Somnia was developed by the Virtual Society Foundation (VSF), a nonprofit organization initiated by MSquared, and Improbable.
