Tetu - Polygon DeGens

Complete the below tasks to stand a chance to win one specially designed NFT:

  • Follow Polygon DeFi on Twitter and Retweet this tweet
  • Create a veTetu 80/20 BPT on Tetu (This will be updated every 72 hr.)
    • Go to Balancer
    • Click on Add liquidity to Create 80TETU-20USDC BPT token.
    • Lock BPT into TetuV2 for ve Tetu.
  • Deposit funds into Tetu vaults and earn yields (This will be updated every 72 hr.)

Tetu is an asset management protocol simplifying Defi yields and bringing it to the masses.

Smart Savings
Use your claimable balance on Galxe Smart Savings if you need additional liquidity to complete on-chain tasks.
Deposit to earn 10%+ yield!

Get 1 NFT