Next month, we celebrate 2 years since the launch of hi. In many ways it seems like just yesterday we sent our Telegram Bot out into the world, but then again so much has happened since... Our community is now more than 3.5 million people strong, and we are proud to have an App, Card and Exchange that are really shaping-up to be game-changers. As Sean always reminds us however, THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!
Are you hi’s most loyal fan?
To mark the 2-Year Birthday celebration we want to find and reward hi’s most loyal fans. We’re partnering with Galxe to issue 10,000 HILANDER OATs, as well as 10 limited edition, extra special golden OG OATs that will be granted only to hi’s most loyal community members.
If you don't have a hi account yet, you can use the invitation nickname 'Sean'.
Learn More Here.
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