brBTC Quiz

💎 Join the Campaign and Win 100K Diamonds!

1️⃣ Social Media Engagement Tasks
  • Follow the official Twitter accounts of Bedrock and its partners.
  • Like and retweet campaign-related posts.
  • Join the designated Discord channel and complete the tasks.
  • Read articles about brBTC.
Reward Pool: 70K Diamonds, equally distributed among participants complete the tasks.
2️⃣ On-Chain Interaction Tasks (Optional)
  • Engage in on-chain operations on Bedrock by minting any amount of brBTC.
Reward Pool: 30K Diamonds (FCFS),Earn 150 Diamonds per address for completing at least one on-chain task

💎 Reward Distribution

Timeline: Diamonds will be distributed within 7 days after the campaign ends.

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