X Layer
OKX L2 Testnet Tour Bronze Claim (Rank 46374~77288)

It's finally an exciting moment for our community to claim their commemorative NFT on our L2's testnet, you can claim different types of NFT according to your ranking on the leaderboard. You can check your leaderboard by clicking https://galxe.com/X1/leaderboard, your ranking is on the right side of the page.

Users who are in between 60100% ranked (#46374#77288) on the leaderboard can claim our bronze commemorative NFT.

If you are within the bronze ranking but can't claim, please fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/er1YVJFnuWYY34Ck8

Smart Savings
Use your claimable balance on Galxe Smart Savings if you need additional liquidity to complete on-chain tasks.
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