Arcane Finance
Arcane Finance x ANS (Aleo Name Service) Campaign

Welcome to the exclusive campaign organized by Arcane Finance DEX and ALEO Name Service! Participate and earn unique rewards for your activity on our platforms.

Participation Requirements:

  1. Register a Domain Name: Register a domain name through ALEO Name Service.
  2. Activity on Arcane Finance: Perform any action on Arcane Finance DEX (trading, exchange, deposit, etc.).


  • OAT (On-chain Achievement Token): All participants who meet the campaign requirements will receive an exclusive OAT, which confirms their participation and grants access to future privileges.
  • Mainnet Domain Name Giveaway: Among the participants who meet the campaign requirements, a giveaway of domain names on the ALEO Name Service mainnet will be held.
  • Special Role in Discord: Participants who take a screenshot of meeting the campaign requirements and submit it in the special thread in Arcane Finance Discord will receive a special role in Discord. Additionally, to receive the role, you must set the registered address in ALEO Name Service as your Primary address.

Steps to Participate:

  1. Register a domain name on ALEO Name Service.
  2. Perform any action on Arcane Finance DEX.
  3. Set your registered address in ALEO Name Service as your Primary address.
  4. Join the Arcane Finance Discord and the ALEO Name Service Twitter.
  5. Take a screenshot of meeting the requirements and submit it in the special thread in Arcane Finance Discord to receive the special role.