Redbelly Network
Wrap your RI Homes Property to ERC20 token

We're excited to announce a new feature: you can now wrap your RI Homes Property into an ERC-20 token!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Verify Property Ownership: Ensure that the property you wish to wrap is already tokenized and present in your RI Homes portfolio.
  2. Wrapping and Unwrapping: Once your property is wrapped, it becomes an ERC-20 token. Please note that while the property is wrapped, it cannot be sold. To sell the property, you must first unwrap it.
    👉 Check out RI Homes Dapp Now!
    #RIHomes #wrapper #RealEstateRevolution #Tokenization #RBNT #DAppLaunch #FutureOfRealEstate #RedbellyNetwork