[Tour de DeXcellence] - Season 1: Introducing Sypool

Sypool Protocol Overview

Sypool is a comprehensive decentralized asset management platform designed to empower users with AI trading strategies, signal alerts, educational resources, and an intuitive dashboard for digital asset management. It aims to help users make informed decisions in the dynamic cryptocurrency market. Beyond asset management, Sypool envisions becoming a comprehensive DeFi protocol with ecosystem projects developed around it.

Smart Contract Framework

The Sypool protocol operates based on Synthetic Asset Pool (SAP) pools. Managers initiate pools, and users participate in them, with exchanges and oracles playing crucial roles:

Managers: Managers are authorized by SAP token holders to manage the tokens in the pool according to preset strategies. They determine how many SAP tokens are minted and returned to the manager, which sets the current value of each SAP token.

Users: Users can mint SAP tokens by choosing a pool and invest, and they can redeem SAP tokens at any time. They can participate in liquidity provision and trading.

Oracle: Oracles provide price data for the protocol, and this data also helps present the live prices of each SAP pool on the website dashboard.

Exchange: Decentralized exchanges are used to execute transactions within the protocol.

Types of SAP Pools

Sypool offers various types of SAP pools:

Index-tracking SAP: These pools track specific indices, adjusting the pool's token distribution automatically or manually.

Trader-based SAP: These pools are close-ended, and managers make trading decisions according to research and valuation. They undergo liquidation processes, and profits are distributed among managers, the foundation, and SAP token holders.

Assets-backed quantitative trading SAP: These pools leverage CEX trading to offer quant-based trading in collaboration with CEXs or other credit mechanisms.

Structured Yield Fund: These pools track the performance of other SAP or indices, offering different risk levels and yields.

SAP-backed Stable Coin SAI: This mechanism uses over-collateralization and a liquidation-auction system to generate stable coins by staking SAP.

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