Mind Network CZ Program | Claim CZ Role
If you delegate a total of at least 50 $vFHE tokens, you’ll receive the CitizenZ Passport directly in your wallet!
Already have a CitizenZ Passport? Great! Verify the quest below to earn a special Discord role.
How can I check if I have the CitizenZ Passport?
There are a few ways to check:
- Enter your wallet address and check here: https://explorer.mindnetwork.xyz/
- Visit https://dapp.mindnetwork.xyz/ and look for the CitizenZ icon in the top left. If it's highlighted, you're a CitizenZ holder; if it's grey, you're not.
- Go to https://dapp.mindnetwork.xyz/onboardingguide and check the "Become a CitizenZ" step. If it says "Already a CitizenZ," you’ve successfully held it.
Head back to the quest collection