Jumper Exchange
Jumper x Fluidity - Swap $fUSDC to earn Loyalty Pass XP and Loot Bottles šŸ¾

Loyalty Pass holders are up for another treat - Swap $fUSDC on Jumper and earn ++Loyalty Pass XP++ and Boosted Loot Bottles from ++Fluidity++ šŸ¾

šŸ† Jumper Users will receive 15 XP for their Loyalty Pass if they do at least $100 in $fUSDC swap volume on Jumper.

On top of the Loyalty Pass XP, users will also receive Boosted Loot Bottles from Fluidity.

The more volume you do with $fUSDC on Jumper, the more Loot Bottles you earn. The higher your Jumper Loyalty Pass Level, the more Loot Bottles you earn.

Learn more about Fluidity's Loot Bottles ++here++.

šŸ’” Complete this mission to be eligible for the Loyalty Pass XP:

  • Do at least $100 of cumulative $fUSDC swap volume on ++Jumper++

šŸ“† Here are some important dates:
Start Date: 31st of May 12 PM UTC

Please take note of the following:
šŸ‘‰ $fUSDC buy and sell volume counts for this mission
šŸ‘‰ Your cumulative $fUSDC volume counts for this mission. No need to do it in 1 transaction
šŸ‘‰ You need to swap $fUSDC on Arbitrum
šŸ‘‰ $fUSDC contract address on Arbitrum: 0x4cfa50b7ce747e2d61724fcac57f24b748ff2b2a
šŸ‘‰ XP for this mission will be issued at the beginning of July
