Join the First Explorers In AI x Blockchain Innovation!

Neura - A New Era of AI and Blockchain Innovation

Ankr has never been more thrilled to release the latest innovation from our team – the Neura blockchain. Neura marks a significant leap in blockchain innovation with a protocol that unifies AI, cloud computing, and blockchain technologies into a cohesive, robust ecosystem.

About Neura

For the first time, Neura provides a fusion of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and Web3 technologies to transform the way AI companies are able to deploy, train models, and operate – on the blockchain. Neura will offer foundational infrastructure for AI startups, offering access to decentralized GPU resources, crypto-based crowdfunding, and Web3 AI operations.

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Introduction to IMOs: Initial Model Offerings

(IMOs) on Neura represent a novel approach to funding and launching AI models and blockchain projects. These offerings allow developers to tokenize their projects or models, offering shares to community members through the sale of tokens. This mechanism not only provides projects with the necessary capital to grow but also offers participants a chance to be part of innovative ventures from the ground up.

Participants in the quest receive the advantage of being the first to reap the potential rewards of new IMOs on Neura. Rewards are determined by the AI projects launching on Neura, but can include shared ownership, revenue, and other perks.

IMO Participation Process

  • Announcement and Details: Each IMO begins with an announcement detailing the project, the total tokens available, the price, and the timeline for the offering.
  • Due Diligence: Participants are encouraged to research and understand the project's potential, team, and roadmap to make informed decisions.
  • Token Purchase: Interested participants buy tokens using ANKR, which involves setting up a trust wallet and ensuring they have sufficient ANKR for participation.
  • Token Distribution: After the purchase, tokens representing the stake in the project are distributed to the participants' wallets, marking their participation in the IMO.

About the Quest

For a limited time, you’ll be able to join the first group to support and explore this new ecosystem – with extremely rewarding perks.

Rewards for quest completion:

  • Exclusive time window to participate in the first IMO on Neura
  • Potential for future rewards affiliated with the project.
  • Early access to utilize emerging AI models and solutions developed on Neura
2024/03/25 23:17 GMT+00:00
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