Welcome To Voi!

Built by You. Run by You. Owned by You.

Welcome to Voi, a revolutionary L1 blockchain designed to fulfill the promises of Web3. Voi is a highly performant network truly owned, run, and built by its community. We believe in the power of decentralization, governance, and ownership, making blockchain technology accessible and beneficial for all.

Built by You: Voi’s ecosystem is created by the community, leveraging the collective expertise and passion of its members. This ensures that Voi evolves to meet the real needs of its users, fostering innovation and adaptability from the ground up.

Run by You: Our democratic governance framework empowers the community to make key decisions. Voi’s Council, elected by token holders, guides the network’s direction and investments, ensuring that those who contribute to the ecosystem have a say in its future.

Owned by You: At Voi, 75% of the ecosystem's tokens are reserved for the community. This ensures that the people driving the ecosystem forward are the ones who benefit the most, promoting true ownership and shared success.

This quest series will get you ready to engage with our ecosystem, and stay up to date with all the latest news! Lets get you started on your Voiage!

Voi Network - Airdrop
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