Magpie XYZ
Testnet Early Bird
  • EARLY BIRD OAT MINT: Interact with the magpie protocol during testnet week. learn how

  • To enter the 2000 Busd Giveaway: you must mint the Early Bird OAT and complete Quest3 Tasks

  • Early Bird OAT holders will get a MGP airdrop after TGE (token generation event)

  • Discord Role - follow the #announcement channel in Discord to learn how to claim your exclusive Discord role for Early Bird OAT holders.

  • BscNews NFT Airdrop - you qualify for a chance to win just by minting the Early Bird Oat

For more info, read the Article

note: The list of users is updated once a day, so it may take up to 24 hours after you interacted with the protocol for your eligibility status to be updated.

Winners will be announced OCT 17th on twitter and discord

2022/10/06 13:00 - 2022/11/01 02:00 GMT+00:00
Smart Savings
Use your claimable balance on Galxe Smart Savings if you need additional liquidity to complete on-chain tasks.
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Daily Tasks: Get